Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ok so do you ever get the feeling that your seniors / bosses sometimes are so hard to understand that they may as well be from another planet? So since we have enough experience with E.T.s, we googled for jobs in that line, and lookie what we came up with!

So.. MTV Jaldi 5 - Top five careers in the unknown!

5. Ufologist

Self - explanatory.

4. Paranormal Investigator

Mulder & Scully have paved the way for you to follow, my friends.

3. Parapsychologist

Go on, find out what makes Uri Gellar tick. He can apparently bend spoons and a lot more with just just mind.

2. Cryptozoologist

Is the Loch Ness monster story really a sham? Or just a cover up by the Govt.? Test your alien finding skills in this field!

1. Conlinguist

Think you can do better than J.R. Tolkien, atleast when it comes to creating an entire language which only his FICTIONAL characters speak? Well, you've found your calling!

Friday, September 26, 2008

MTV Jaldi 5!
Top 5 most annoying things at the MTV office.

5. Way too many bloated egos floating about.
4. Bathrooms doors that never get fixed once broken.
3. They give your salary cheque for August 08 dated for 2009.
2. Daily hair in food from the canteen.
1. Cats pooping under your desk. Yes, that happens.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Shoot The Team

Ok so we got an entirely new website, quite a new team and a new Mac too!

Ok first up this is Ranjeet our video editor. he's the one who cuts up the videos you see on the site. Psssst.. He's also a gym instructor. Multi-talented, we say!

The evil looking chick sitting on the left is Eunice, another of our video editors. She's the one who got us hooked to the Mac special effects! That's me (Evita) choking Aliya because.. hell, she's annoying sometimes!

That's Aliya on the right, me on the left and Sanjay, our Tech Head (literally). Oh yes, any bugs that y'all encounter on the new site, he's to blame! And don't ask us why Ranjeet is giving the cam that strange look in the background.

That tiny lil head you see there belongs to Mr. Ali, the bigg boss. Oh and Aliya's trying to air dig his nose. Mr. Ali gets the yummiest dabbas btw.

Aliya & me again,  she in her Mother-Of-The-Joker avatar and me in my err regular one. Oooh oooh we have a new entrants, Neha who handles our very useful moble short code 56882 and half-headed Mithun who manages the video content. And yawnnnn Ranjeet again.

Ok. We offically love the Mac.

- Evita Saldanha