Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Press Conference @ Office

The above picture may look like it's taken from a war zone, but believe me, it's not. It's rather a wrap-up of what happened today at our office. Today, there was this huge press conference attended by millions (ahem) of people. There were journalists, dwarves, elves and some more journalists. And here are the pics, for y'all to see.

The VJs

MTV VJs and Neeta Lulla

Our new VJ - Mia


The Press

Cyrus & Cyrus

Ashish Patil (Head - Creative & Content)

Rannvijay & Nikhil

The Set-up

Now that you've seen the pics, why not take out some time to check out new trailers of Resident Evil 3 and Superbad and get the info on Tom Cruise's new film.

Coming up on Friday: Log on to MTVindia.com to read our movie review of CASH and to watch some exclusive clips from the forthcoming THE SIMPSONS MOVIE. We promise!

- Vaibhav "updating status" Wankhede
Writer - MTV Online

Monday, July 23, 2007

Leprosy is fun!

That's the title of the book which I intend to write sometime later. It's a tragic love story between two bloodthirsty goats. Bleh! On the more fun side we've got some changes done in the office. Yup, the office looks new. The website looks super sexy. The only thing which hasn't changed is that I can't understand how can people listen to country music. But let's save that for another blog post.

And, what do we have for you? If you like listening to Bollywood music, you've got to check out our Cash music review. And while you're at it, why not take a part in the MTV Cash Contest where you can win audio CDs and movie tickets? Feels like Christmas already, eh? Oh and btw...when you're done with making your own personalised MTV logos, watch the new video of Velvet Revolver or read the music review of Hilary Duff's new album.

In the meanwhile, if you don't have anything to do (and even if you do, you should) take a look at what seems to be the most important thing people are discussing about - Do you like our new VJ Mia? Anyways, here's hoping that you enjoy the all-new MTV. If you don't, go read the new Harry Potter book and tell us if he dies or not.

- Vaibhav "n00b gt pwnd" Wankhede
Writer - MTV Online

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Do you like the new website?

So you've seen the new channel look and a lot of you have posted your views in the 'it's my pov' section, but what about the new website - do you like it?
Right now it's got 4 sections, like:

It's My Show - Show info and video clips from our new shows. We are going to be adding a lot more to this, so hang on.
It's My Logo - Create an MTV logo that helps you express yourself. (check it out, it's pretty cool)
It's My Blog - It's about time we had a blog so we could talk to you about the latest developments on air, online, on mobile and sometimes just to let you in on the MTV studio gossip:). We suggest you add this to your favourites and don't forget to write comments.
It's My POV - This section is truly yours. Write your point of view on our channel, our new VJ Mia, our old VJs, our shows, the music we play, our site...anything.

Our new site is still very new and it's taking its first baby steps which means they may be a few bugs. But we want you to be a part of it, so we can give you the best of MTV on any medium - on air or online.

Now, if you're wondering what happened to the old site - it's still very much there; we've given it a slight face lift and it has all the regular content like the most reliable movie reviews, latest movie trailers, contests, and our addictive Rate Me section.
To go to the old site click here

Check out our regular updates:
Review - Partner is hilarious!
Review - Zodiac is mind boggling
Harry Potter's First Kiss!

For now tell us what you think of the new channel look and also let us know what spanking new 3.0 features you'd like the new MTV website to have.


Clyde D'Souza

Editor - MTV Online

Friday, July 20, 2007

MTV Enjoy, no more!

Yes MTV has changed and we welcome you to the It's-My-Generation. We are launching with 4 new shows, a stunning new environment, logos and other tech words that we call bugs, clip titles, billboard beds, the works – the kind that’s never been seen before in India.

And yes - a new tagline, yeah – no more MTV Enjoy! It’s now… IT’S MY MTV!

Turn on MTV and feast your eyes on:

1. MTV CrazySexyCool.com - Mon to Fri, 6 pm
Your shortcut into what’s cool – from belly dancing to pet salons.

2. MTV Saturday Shuffle – Sat 11 am to 4 pm
Drool over the very drool-able VJ Mia, your host on MTV's brand new show Saturday Shuffle.

3. MTV It Sucks - Mon to Fri, 6pm
Cyrus Sahukar as himself – a cynical, whiny, bitch – trashing all the stuff that sucks, from credit card salesmen to being single – this time minus the skirt.

4. A revamped MTV Super Select - Mon to Fri, 6:30pm
A slick new set with loads more outdoor and a fab guest line up.

It's still MTV. Just that now, it's all yours.

What's my MTV?

It’s difficult to define an icon that’s defined an entire generation. But each one has his/her version… so what’s My MTV?

My MTV is beyond Music.
Born of music, inspired by music, driven by music – but not limited by music.

My MTV is beyond Television.
New ideas, new formats, new ways of reaching people in the new places they choose to live in. As the Semi Girebaal ringtone on your phone, the Roadies Cargoes on your butt, the music store online.

My MTV is the universe of the young.
Made of them, for them, almost by them – with elements & expressions unique to their world. If you see it scrawled on their classroom desks, you’ll see it hangin’ on our walls; if it’s going on in their heads, you’ll hear it in our environment. Doodles, tattoos, graffiti, whispers, & scraps.

My MTV is the authentic voice of the audience.
Everything we do communicates & connects them to us. Not just the shows we air, but the ads we run, the celebrities we feature, the music we promote on stage, online, the team we are.

My MTV is speaking a language that has meaning for our audience. Not their parents. Definitely not their teachers.

My MTV is – take no bullshit.
Our audience trusts us because we won’t lie to them. We won’t candy coat. We won’t put lipstick on a pig.

My MTV gives it to them straight. That’s why they come to us. That’s why we go to them wherever, whenever and however they want to talk to us.

My MTV is looking up to our audience’s potential.
Not down on their limitations.

My MTV is the original community.
Ideas, formats, people, technology, products, what’s going on, the hottest, the latest, the newest.

My MTV is about constant change. And the courage to throw it away and make it new and important again.

My MTV is the front door to everything that’s possible.
There’s an entry point for every individual, department, channel, our audience and our partners. As we constantly change with the landscape, our definition expands to include everyone that comes of age with MTV.

My MTV is about Shah Rukh & Shakira.
Bappi & Bono. Himesh & Hip Hop.

Mia & Semi.
Odd couples flourish in our land. Fixed perspectives, standard interpretations, and old prejudice cannot survive.

My MTV is a willingness to synthesize, explore, embrace opposites. Rather than conflict or clash, our audience embraces this diversity as richness and texture and variety. One modifies, amplifies and inflects the other.

My MTV is freedom.
Ready to break things, make mistakes and launch ideas that might not work.

My MTV is inventive anarchy that perpetually recharges the battery of our culture; and joy and energy and love and passion and heart and soul.

It’s My MTV!

Ladies & Gentlemen: Rock & Roll.

Ashish Patil
Head - Creative & Content